Saturday, April 28, 2007

Gere and the Bizarre Kiss!

No doubt it was a bizarre kiss .But if the kiss was preluded by a simple announcement that Gere was going to enact a seen from one of his movies probably it would not have caused such an uproar. The fact of the matter is Indian business have opened to the western world, but not the Indian society. Indian homes still do want to change to western life. The reasons being plenty .That said the story should end with the apology by Gere and Shilpa.
The other interesting thing to watch on the TV was a dance by George Bush while celebrating African culture .Needless to say all the late night shows picked on him, but it was wonderful to see him loosen up even thru the crisis that he goes thru.

All the said and done the India’s first couple has flown off to France for their honey moon

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