Sunday, April 29, 2007

An Inconvenient Period of Adaptation and Mitigation!

Ever since Katrina hit the shores of USA 2 years back global warming has been an important topic in north America .Thanks to Al Gore and his movie environment issues form the headlines of most media .This week was no different too .Al Gore was in Canada lashing out the present government on its futuristic plans of environment protection .Governments across the globe has been fighting shyly on the environment matters , primarily because any changes to protect the ozone layer would be increase in cost and burden to the economy . So global warming has become a Civilizational challenge. Citizens in the third world countries do have the enormous communication challenge on matters related to environment .Not much of attention is given to this subject .But with severe weather in most parts of the world things are changing and people are rising to give their best support for the cause. Cess should be levied from industries based on the carbon they let out to the environment and that fund should be used to protect and clean that city

Al Gore has become a champion to the cause of global warming .I support his candidature to the white house. What if one is the head of world’s largest economy and still pursues a global cause!

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