Saturday, May 26, 2007

Sponsor a HopeChild: Why it Works

AIDS is more than a pandemic. It is the greatest humanitarian crisis of all time. More than 40 million people are infected with the virus.

A HopeChild lives in an area with a high prevalence of HIV, has been identified by his or her community as "vulnerable," and requires extra assistance. This does not mean that the sponsored child has HIV.

Many children have been orphaned as a result of AIDS. However, often a family member, neighbour, or friend in the community will take them in. In many cases, these children would consider their caregivers to be "parents," and would not think of themselves as orphans.

HopeChild sponsorship provides things like:

basic health care as well as HIV and AIDS treatment
access to schooling as well as HIV and AIDS prevention education
nutritious food and clean water
care for orphans and vulnerable children
training of volunteers to look after children's emotional, physical, and spiritual needs
World Vision can not do this without the support of caring Canadians like you. Together—and with God's help—World Vision can bring a better life to these children and their families.

For $40 a month, you can make a difference in children's lives and turn hope into a reality.

"Outsource Everything. Insource Marketing "

These marketing guys seem to have achieved a bit of a coup with this outsourcing thing.

Let’s look at this in the publishing context, since that’s what I’m most familiar with.

Domain-specific activities:
Circulation: Outsourceable
Customer service: Outsourceable
Printing: Outsourceable
Distribution: Outsourceable

Now, the core activities:
Writing: Outsourceable
Editing: Outsourceable
Design: Outsourceable

And the regulars:
Sales: Outsourceable
Finance: Outsourceable
Accounting: Outsourceable
HR: Outsourceable
IT: Outsourceable

Reg the core activities: Many publishers will consider outsourcing of content (especially writing) blasphemous. But isn’t that what many have begun to do? And isn’t that what content aggregation is all about? For those not familiar with publishing, content aggregation is the online term for content syndication, when companies use content generated by other companies for a fee or credit.

So, if we agree that even content can be outsourced (that it isn’t extensively being done is another matter), what process does that leave in-house? Marketing (branding, business development)? Could it be that publishers need to hire people only for brand enhancement and outsource management?

Let’s look at another industry — airlines. What does an airline company need to keep in-house?

Aircraft manufacture: Outsourceable
Aircraft maintenance: Outsourceable
Billing: Outsourceable
Passenger reconciliation: Outsourceable
Ticketing and reservations: Outsourceable
In-flight staff: Outsourceable
Ground staff: Outsourceable
Freight handling: Outsourceable
Catering: Outsourceable
In-flight entertainment: Outsourceable
Sales, finance, accounting, HR, IT: Outsourceable

Can I conclude that even in airlines, companies need only invest in marketing and outsource management?

Why am I getting the feeling that the marketing guys may have achieved a coup with this outsourcing thing?

Friday, May 11, 2007

Hollywood…’s Sugarless in India

Hollywood is trying it’s level best to emancipate Indian film industry which is engraved on a civilization almost 5000 years plus .Whilst ,it’s easy to link the names that is Hollywood to bollywood…etc considering the fact that every state in India has its on Hollywood in the making there is a big difference how a movie is conceived . Consider the most recent film “Cheeni Kum”.It Simply Said means sugarless but what needs to be concluded is “Is it that after 60 + years life is sugarless! or age has evolved to be sugarless ! or is it that age has lost its sweetness to something sour ! or the past is gone for futuristic taste

Well , even Mark twain will not be able to predict whether these two industries across the zones will have any integration but it’s true that the Indian civilization has its on place on mother earth ……….Cheeni Kum

Saturday, May 5, 2007

Go Green!

Some years back go Green would have meant use the principles of Allen Green Span i.e. leaner, profitable organizations; Or for the green bill Dollar! But now “ Go Green ”means go environment friendly. Organizations are slowly adapting to this new eco security .If one were to watch the advertisements of the some of the global oil conglomerates you will realize they are investing hugely on the eco security.The latest to join the bandwagon is apple…hey the green apple in the grocery store is not one that largely picked .But Steve being Jobs will change the trend ! Green Apple Every day will keep Bill (Gates & Windows) away!

Wednesday, May 2, 2007


I am not an avid supporter of George Bush , but do support him on policy basis .

It was interesting to see him read his written speech after he vetoed the new Iraq bill .Whatever the reasons may be , he seems to be running out of steam and there is no reason to be in Iraq .Either divide the country into 3 one each for the sect or just walk out and the flame will settle down .Once the flame settles down support them . Great Britain will walk a different path with the new PM Mr. Gordon Brown .

So the slogan now for the US should be GOI – Get out of Iraq !